The Singularity is a new original comic book written by Ernie Folcarelli, illustrated by Joe Norris, and colored by Mike Nuccio. It will feature musical accompaniment by Portable Jesus. It will be the first comic (hopefully of many) published and distributed by Ocular Rhombus Productions. The first issue will be released soon. More details will follow as well as production updates.
Pencil Art Previews!
Old Production updates...
March 26th 2010
The script is just about finished, and the art team has started their work. Portable Jesus has locked himself away in a dungeon somewhere to compose the music. Wheels are turning... preview some pencil art------------------------------------------------------>>> (art is copyright 2010 Joe Norris. Unauthorized duplication or distribution will be prosecuted) April 18th 2010 The finished script has gone off to the art team, and the pages have started to roll in. It looks awesome. We cannot wait to unleash this project upon the unsuspecting world. In celebration of a milestone in our creative process, and also simply to further entice you into reading this comic when it is released, we present to you our main character: Mark Ward. Mark is depicted here in a hospital room. You may be asking yourself: Why is he in the hospital?? The answer can be found in the first issue. Read it in 2012!
May 10th 2010
Here is the official "solicit" for The Singularity #1 The Singularity is a story about many things. It is a story about what it really means to be superhuman; about the secret history of humanity; about what happens when science is more advanced than it should be. It is a story about a man named Mark Ward. Yesterday, Mark Ward was an ordinary physicist. Yesterday he couldn't fly. Yesterday the world was a simpler place. But it isn't yesterday anymore... Mark's life has forever been altered, but what has he become? What is he capable of? There are people out there who know...people lurking in the darkness...but are they friend or foe? Will they help Mark or manipulate him to their own ends? THE SINGULARITY 2012 |
All images and music Copyright 2007-2012 Ocular Rhombus Productions except where otherwise noted.